“The X Factor” Winner Milda Martinkėnaitė: After Solving the Vision Problem, Life Became Much Brighter

Glasses and contact lenses help correct vision problems such as myopia, farsightedness, and astigmatism if worn properly, a person is checking annually to see if the strength is still in line with the vision situation and if the lenses have caused complications. Often, regular visits to the eye doctor are forgotten and inadequate corrective measures can only worsen vision.

Glasses or lenses may not only cause discomfort when they are dewy, a person lives an active life or supervise them. Contact lenses can irritate the eyes, cause redness, blurred vision problems, or even irreversible changes in the eyes due to infections. It is the reason why Milda Martinkėnaitė, who won “The X Factor Lithuania” in 2019, immediately started looking for the best solution.

The daily routine was a concern

When she started wearing glasses at the age of 11, the girl later replaced them with contact lenses. She, despite the inconvenience of the lenses, was so accustomed to the routine that she did not question whether vision could be improved in other ways. Everything changed when visiting an optometrist M. Martinkėnaitė learned that if she continued to wear contact lenses, the eye irritation they caused could remain permanent or have even more serious consequences for vision.

“Throughout my 12th year, I had to be conscious and not fall asleep with my lenses, going for a swim to take them out, not rub my eyes, and be afraid of getting water into them. After visiting an eye doctor and receiving a warning about the possible irreversible consequences, I became interested in laser vision correction, ”says the girl.

The performer had heard various stories about laser vision correction that raised suspicions and doubts, but in order to solve her vision problem, she still decided to come for an initial examination to a specialist and, in the light of the results of research, consult in detail.

According to Aistė Augytė, a microsurgeon at the Lirema Eye Clinic, eye lens wearers should be checked even more often than those who like glasses.

“If the wearer of contact lenses feels like a foreign body, fear of light, pain, tearing, or see redness in the eyes – such symptoms can cause keratitis. This inflammation of the cornea can affect changes in vision, ”says the doctor.

Similar inflammations, constant rubbing the surface of the eyes with lenses, and oxygen tightness can lead to subsequent intolerance of contact lenses when a person can no longer wear them due to the discomfort they cause. All of these inconveniences can be avoided by choosing laser eye surgery.

The result was gratifying on the first day

M. Martinkėnaitė was ready to spend the whole day in the operation room, but it took only ten minutes. Like many patients she was worried.

“I considered the procedure as a huge personal achievement, I was worrying, but when I arrived I was greeted by coziness – the staff behaved very kindly, calmed down, gave me a bundle of postoperative medicines. Before each action, the doctor explained what was waiting for me, so there were no surprises or unpleasant feelings, I felt completely calm. After the procedure, I went home by myself. I immediately saw better than before I arrived to the operation, ”M. Martinkėnaitė shares her experience.

According to microsurgeon A. Augytė, in the first hour after the surgery, patients actually often feel and see well. Before the healing process begins, they manage to return home calmly.

“For everyone, the healing process is individual, depending on the body. There are patients whose eyes are only slightly grayed, and others need a few days of quiet rest, but laser vision correction procedures are performed with the most advanced lasers nowadays and healing does not take so much time, ”claims A. Augytė.

“After the operation, when the healing process started, I felt like I was cutting onions, but it only lasted for one day. For a few days, my eyes were more sensitive to sunlight, so I wore sunglasses. It was a bit tiring, but the result exceeded all expectations ”, – the singer is happy with the decision.

Peace is ensured by the comfort of seeing

Laser eye surgery not only prevents the diseases caused by wearing lenses. Having a healthy vision also opens up wider career opportunities. Productivity at work leads to better results, and these are directly related to new perspectives and rewards. Excellent vision is a prerequisite for being in professions such as pilots, designers, or soldiers.

According to doctor A. Augytė, good eyesight allows you to try more sports activities – those who engage in skiing, swimming, diving, basketball, boxing, and other contact sports, know that glasses and lenses limit. It is rare when someone chooses to produce special equipment with diopters, usually, they give up glasses or lenses at all, thus increasing the risk of injury to themselves and others.

M. Martinkėnaitė notices that to the benefits it can be added an increased self-confidence by removing the glasses or giving up the discomfort of taking care of the lenses. The poorer the vision, the thicker the spectacle lenses, so not everyone may like to wear such glasses. Having only one pair, these are rarely fitted to everything. Also, after laser eye surgery you may choose the most liked sunglasses, you are not limited by diopters.

“I can only say one thing – it is good to see right away when you don’t have to grab glasses or put on contact lenses when you get up. Life has really changed. For all those who are hesitant, I advise you to take the first step – to come to the consultation and give yourself to the hands of specialists who know their job. Having all the necessary information, you will feel calmer, and when you prepare for the surgery, you will see the world in completely different, bright, colors, ”concludes M. Martinkėnaitė.

You may get a free online consultation is laser eye surgery right for you here.